I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.

Table of Contents

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
Year 1

Series I: What is the Bible?

Lesson 1 Can We Trust the Bible?

Series II: Who is God?

Lesson 2 How do we know God exists?
Lesson 3 God is Love
Lesson 4 What Makes God Special?

Series III: Back to School

Lesson 5 A Different But Better Way

Series IV: God & Man

Lesson 6 How Big is Your God?
Lesson 7 The Darkness of Humanity
Lesson 8 The Light Found Only In God
Lesson 9 Building Our Own Way
Lesson 10 Journey of Faith
Lesson 11 Do You Trust God?

Series V: God & His People

Lesson 12 What is Your Passion?
Lesson 13 God Alone Reigns
Lesson 14 Do You Follow the 10 Commandments?

Series VI: Godly Wisdom

Lesson 15 What is wisdom?
Lesson 16 Learning from others

Series VII: Thanksgiving & Christmas

Lesson 17 Are You the Grateful One?
Lesson 18 The Faith of Mary

Series VIII: New Testament Survey - Letters of Paul

Lesson 19 What's In A Name?
Lesson 20 Unity & Diversity
Lesson 21 What Did Christ Free Us From?
Lesson 22 The Power of Unity
Lesson 23 How Do We Build Unity?
Lesson 24 The Emptiness of External Religion
Lesson 25 Be a Diligent Worker

Series IX: Loving God, Self, and Others

Lesson 26 The Greatest Commandment
Lesson 27 Love God Alone
Lesson 28 How Can I Show God I Love Him?
Lesson 29 Boundaries in a Digital World
Lesson 30 Loving My Family
Lesson 31 Imitating God's Forgiveness
Lesson 32 Loyalty to Others

Series X: Growth in Noble Character

Lesson 33 The Fiery Furnace of Babylon
Lesson 34 Speak up!
Lesson 35 The Greed Killer
Lesson 36 God Establishes All Authority

Series XI: Wisdom

Lesson 37 You're Not Always Right!
Lesson 38 Do Good and Evil Really Exist?
Lesson 39 Why Should I Try to be Humble?
Lesson 40 Should I Always Tell the Truth?

Series XII: Old Testament Survey - God Leads His People

Lesson 41 Victory in Following God
Lesson 42 God Uses Those Who Are Different
Lesson 43 God Uses Those Who Are Willing
Lesson 44 God Sees the Best in You
Lesson 45 God Uses Those Who Are Imperfect
Year 2

Series I: What is the Bible?

Lesson 1 The Faithfully Communicated Word of God

Series II: Who is Jesus?

Lesson 2 Lord, Lunatic, or Liar?
Lesson 3 The Humanity of Jesus
Lesson 4 God & King

Series III: Back to School

Lesson 5 Purposeful Friendships

Series IV: Miracles of Jesus

Lesson 6 Lord of Creation
Lesson 7 Lord of All People
Lesson 8 Lord Over Fear
Lesson 9 Lord Over Evil
Lesson 10 Lord of Compassion
Lesson 11 Lord Over Death

Series V: Sermon on the Mount

Lesson 12 Why & How Do We Pray?
Lesson 13 What Are You So Worried About?
Lesson 14 The Heart of Sin
Lesson 15 What's Your Life Built On?

Series VI: Thanksgiving and Christmas

Lesson 16 Growth in Gratitude
Lesson 17 A Timeless Tale
Lesson 18 How Do You Respond to Jesus?

Series VII: New Testament Survey - The Gospels, Peter & John

Lesson 19 The Stories of Jesus
Lesson 20 God Keeps His Promises
Lesson 21 Recognizing & Responding to Christ
Lesson 22 Reaching the "outsiders"
Lesson 23 Jesus, the Great "I AM"
Lesson 24 Hope & Suffering
Lesson 25 How Can You Be Sure?

Series VIII: Loving God, Self, and Others

Lesson 26 Loving God With All Your Heart
Lesson 27 The Heart of Worship
Lesson 28 The Trap of External Religion
Lesson 29 Battling Peer Pressure
Lesson 30 Loving With Equality
Lesson 31 You Then Me
Lesson 32 Loving the Unlovable

Series IX: Growth

Lesson 33 Escaping the World's Corruption
Lesson 34 Control Yourself!
Lesson 35 Don't Give Up
Lesson 36 A Life of Love

Series X: Wisdom

Lesson 37 Meaningless!
Lesson 38 Life Can Be Hard
Lesson 39 Healing for the Soul
Lesson 40 Loving God's Word

Series XI: Old Testament Survey - Kings of Israel

Lesson 41 King Saul - The Folly of Relying on Yourself
Lesson 42 Young David - A Man After God's Own Heart
Lesson 43 King David - Recovering From Mistakes
Lesson 44 King Solomon - I Want to be The Best!
Lesson 45 King Rehoboam - Choose Your Friends Wisely
Year 3

Series I: What is the Bible?

Lesson 1 Your Best Life
Lesson 2 What is Faith?

Series II: Who is the Holy Spirit

Lesson 3 The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 4 The Role of the Holy Spirit

Series III: Back to School

Lesson 5 Being Excellent

Series IV: Holy Spirit-Filled Action

Lesson 6 God is Faithful to His Promises
Lesson 7 Whose Authority Do You Follow?
Lesson 8 God Always Has A Plan
Lesson 9 Reaching Everyone!
Lesson 10 When the Spirit Says Go!
Lesson 11 Courageous

Series V: Parables of Jesus

Lesson 12 Are You Ready For The Gospel?
Lesson 13 Good and Evil
Lesson 14 How Do You Approach God?
Lesson 15 Extending Forgiveness

Series VI: Thanksgiving & Christmas

Lesson 16 It's All Connected
Lesson 17 The Power of Perspective
Lesson 18 Mission: Possible

Series VII: New Testament Survey - Epistles

Lesson 19 The Real Deal
Lesson 20 Set A Good Example
Lesson 21 Forgiveness in the Family of God
Lesson 22 What Did You Say?
Lesson 23 Fake Christianity
Lesson 24 Heroes in the Faith

Series VIII: Loving God, Self, and Others

Lesson 25 A Relationship With God
Lesson 26 Loving God With All Your Mind
Lesson 27 Loving God With All Your Strength
Lesson 28 Your Body is a Temple
Lesson 29 The Body of Christ
Lesson 30 Loving through Service
Lesson 31 How Do We Treat Others?
Lesson 32 Dealing with Bullies

Series IX: Growth in Fruit of the Spirit

Lesson 33 Love & Joy
Lesson 34 Peace & Patience
Lesson 35 Kindness & Goodness
Lesson 36 Faithfulness & Gentleness
Lesson 37 Self-control

Series X: Wisdom

Lesson 38 What Do You Think?
Lesson 39 Two Voices - Wisdom and Folly
Lesson 40 I Want That!

Series XI: Old Testament Survey - Prophets Filled with the Spirit

Lesson 41 The Holiness of God
Lesson 42 The Problem of Evil
Lesson 43 Following God - Not People
Lesson 44 Power of a Changed Heart
Lesson 45 Half Hearted Obedience

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